Monday, August 11, 2008

Wordpress, Blogspot

Ive only recently started blogging and there were two choices that came to mind. Wordpress, which ive heard about and a rather famous blogging util, and blogger, which i once looked at many years ago and also integrates with my other google services. I figured i would give both a go and after a few hours of accumulative use, I decided i liked blogger best as i accomplished what i wanted more quickly. Unfortunately i noticed that nothing i posted in blogger showed up as a google search result, whereas my post in wordpress would show up as a first result, when typing in two keywords, overnight! Since my utmost main concern is access to my meager blog, I will be discontinuing my use of blogger but leaving it up incase it was indexed by some other service. Here is a Link to both blogs

Sunday, August 10, 2008

CherryPy, SndObj, and SVG

Ok so sometime back when i first started tinkering with pysndobj, i was toying with some ideas for a user interface. Primarily i come from a web background and i decided to toy with the idea of a web frontend to a sndobj thread(s) that would write to an output stream that multiple people could connect to to work collaboratively together semi-realtime. Yeah, it sounds a bit amibitious but anyway I decided to take the time to toy around with SVG as well, which ive never worked with, to see what I might come up with.

Ultimately, I got this, cpsndobj.

This is the source code to my simple cherrypy/sndobj/svg demo. Basically I have an svg knob that i made that you can manipulate by clicking and dragging the mouse down on it. Unfortunately with a browser you cannot lock the mouse down in place so it can seem a bit odd if you reach the edge of your screen. But anyways, tar -xzf this bad boy and ./python and you will find a local webserver at Of course you need to sudo easy_install-2.5 cherrypy if you wanna use it. The rest is javascript(jquery if i remember correctly(been a while since i looked(i think this is why i like python, avoiding all these tags(woot!)))). And I believe I have it set to connect to a jack server so you'll want to change it to SndRTIO if you want otherwise or start your jack first. After you get it up and running, visit the local address /on to turn on the modulating frequency the visit the root of the site to display the svg knob. Now click and drag it. and youll see it do its thing. Things to note, if your using internet explorer, you'll need to install the adobe svg viewer (though ive not tested it in IE). Here in firefox land, we apparently like things to run slow so if youd like to experience a smooth svg knob .. experience, then get opera installed and notice the difference.

Uh but yet, i dont use opera past playing with an svg knob and playing flash movies that dont lock up my browser in linux.

One might say, ultimately i basically have a tinker toy thats ok (woot!).

Saturday, August 9, 2008

SndObj, Jack, and Inputs

Ok so I have been tinkering with pysndobj on and off for a while. One thing I have been wanting to do is get it setup where i have a thread using SndJackIO and doing a line in from my edirol ua-25 usb soundcard with my guitar. I couldn’t find any documentation on how to do it with SndJackIO for a while, though there was plenty for SndRTIO. But then i noticed a reference to core audio on mac and doing inputs. Effectively, there is a single SndJackIO for both input and output. So when instantiating for such just do a

outp = sndobj.SndJackIO("MyName")
inp = outp

Anyway, here it is in all its glory

import sndobj

jack = sndobj.SndJackIO('test5')
inp = jack

snd = sndobj.SndIn(inp, 1)
cmb = sndobj.Comb(0.001, 0.001, snd)

jack.SetOutput(1, cmb)

thread = sndobj.SndThread()
thread.AddObj(inp, sndobj.SNDIO_IN)
thread.AddObj(jack, sndobj.SNDIO_OUT)
